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Student Services and Amenities Fees Advisory Committee Terms of Reference

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Section 1 - Establishment

(1) SSAF is a Commonwealth Government legislated fee charged to students, to support and enrich the student experience by providing a range of non-academic services and amenities.

(2) Student Services and Amenities Fees are administered in accordance with the Higher Education Support Act 2003 Administration Guidelines 2012 and the Student Services, Amenities, Representation and Advocacy Guidelines.

(3) The Student Services and Amenities Fees Advisory Committee is established under Part 3 Section 19 of the Charles Darwin University Act 2003.

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Section 2 - Functions and Responsibilities

(4) The function of the Committee is to consider proposals for the use of Student Services and Amenities Fees (SSAF) funding and make recommendations to the Deputy Vice-Chancellor Academic. The Deputy Vice-Chancellor Academic is responsible for the management of SSAF monies.

(5) The Committee is made up of enrolled CDU students and staff and ensures the use of funds is compliant with Commonwealth legislation and rules, is in alignment with CDU priorities, and provides a vehicle for consultation with student representatives.

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Section 3 - Membership

(6) The Committee is comprised of:

  1. Deputy Vice-Chancellor Academic (Chair);
  2. Director Student Engagement;
  3. Director Student and Academic Services;
  4. Chief Marketing and Communications Officer;
  5. Director Library Services;
  6. Associate Director Student Support;
  7. Deputy Director Asset Management, Planning and Project (Property and Facilities);
  8. Student Experience Officer (Secretary);
  9. Student Advocacy Officer;
  10. Associate Director First Nations Students and Engagement;
  11. Associate Director International Operations and Partnerships;
  12. Elected Student Representatives (six individuals i.e. one student can only represent one cohort):
    1. Undergraduate Student;
    2. Postgraduate Student;
    3. International Student;
    4. First Nations Student; and
    5. Online Student.

(7) Invited observers

  1. Associate Director Finance.

(8) Executive Committee

  1. Deputy Vice-Chancellor Academic (Chair);
  2. Director Student Engagement;
  3. Student Experience Officer; and
  4. Elected student representative.

(9) Staff members may nominate a delegate to attend in their stead for meetings when they are unavailable.

(10) This will normally be a person that would act in their capacity. Decisions made by the Executive Committee will be reported to the Committee.

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Section 4 - Chair

(11) The Chair of the Committee will be the Deputy Vice-Chancellor Academic.

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Section 5 - Secretary

(12) The Student Experience Officer will provide administrative support.

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Section 6 - Terms of Office

(13) Staff members will hold office for the term of their appointment in their substantive role.

(14) Student representatives can be appointed to fill vacancies at any time during the year and serve throughout the duration of their enrolment to a maximum of two (2) years. Student representatives that fail to attend two (2) consecutive meetings, may have their membership terminated.

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Section 7 - Meetings

(15) The Committee will meet twice a year to review SSAF projects proposals, and provide their recommendations to the Deputy Vice-Chancellor Academic. Urgent proposals can be considered out of outside this timeframe by the Executive Committee, at the discretion of the Chair.

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Section 8 - Agenda

(16) The agenda with supporting documentation shall be distributed, to all members, at least seven (7) days prior to the meeting. meeting.

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Section 9 - Minutes

(17) Meeting minutes will be taken and distributed within two weeks of the meeting.

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Section 10 - Reporting

(18) This Committee must provide a report in a timely manner to the next meeting of the Vice Chancellors Advisory Committee.

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Section 11 - Conflicts of Interest

(19) Where a member has a real or perceived conflict of interest regarding an agenda item, they must declare this to the Chair at the commencement of discussion of the item, and be prepared to excuse themselves from the discussion, or the room, if required, as per the terms of the Conflicts of Interest Policy.

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Section 12 - Compliance

(20) Non-compliance with Governance Documents is considered a breach of the Code of Conduct – Staff or the Code of Conduct – Students, as applicable, and is treated seriously by the University. Reports of concerns about non-compliance will be managed in accordance with the applicable disciplinary procedures outlined in the Charles Darwin University and Union Enterprise Agreement 2022 and the Code of Conduct – Students.

(21) Complaints may be raised in accordance with the Complaints and Grievance Policy and Procedure - Employees and Complaints Policy - Students.

(22) All staff members have an individual responsibility to raise any suspicion, allegation or report of fraud or corruption in accordance with the Fraud and Corruption Control Policy and Whistleblower Reporting (Improper Conduct) Procedure.